BLOG » Sheet metal: All shapes now available for 4-days shipment
Sheet metal: All shapes now available for 4-days shipment
Following the gradual expansion of the materials for 4-days shipment of meviy sheet metal parts, the shapes have now been expanded too.
Parts with “bends” and “free-form holes” will also be available. This means that sheet metal parts can be selected for 4-days shipment in any shape in the material.
• 100% of shapes, including bends and free-form holes, can be shipped after 4 days. For eligible materials, check "Eligible Products and Shipping Day(s)"
• Designation of 4-days shipment is possible on the 3D viewer screen. For details, check "How to quote and order for 4-days shipments"
Eligible products and shipping days
Material: Steel
Surface treatment
Standard shipping
Express shipping
EN 1.0330 equiv./EN 1.0320 equiv. (hot coiled) EN 1.0038 equiv. (9 mm plate thickness only)
6 days
4 days
8-11 days
Electroless nickel plating
8 days
Black oxide
Trivalent chromate (white)
Trivalent chromate (black)
EN 1.0330 equiv. (electrolytic zinc plating)
Electrolytic zinc plating
6 days
4 days
EN 1.0330 equiv. (hot zinc plating)
Hot zinc plating
EN 1.0330 equiv. (for shim)
5 days
Material: Stainless steel
Finishing method
Standard shipping
Express shipping
EN 1.4301 equiv.
6 days
4 days
Single-sided #400-grit polished
EN 1.4016 equiv.
EN 1.4301 equiv. (for shim)
5 days
Material: Aluminum
Surface treatment
Standard shipping
Express shipping
EN AW−5052 equiv.
6 days
4 days
White anodized
8 days
Black anodized
Black anodized (matte)
Material: Perforated metal
Hole diameter x hole pitch
Open area ratio
Standard shipping
Express shipping
Perforated Metal (EN 1.4301 equiv.-BA)
-60° Staggered Round Hole Type-
⌀1 x 2p
6 days
4 days
⌀2 x 3p
⌀3 x 5p
⌀5 x 8p
⌀8 x 12p
Material: Clear resin
Standard shipping
Express shipping
PET (Polyethylene terephthalate)
6 days
PVC (Polyvinyl chloride)
* Shipping days extend depending on quantity. Please check the date shown in meviy and get a quote for the guaranteed shipping date.
How to quote and order for 4-days shipment
STEP 1: Issue a quotation and part number on the meviy website
• Upload 3D CAD data
• Specify material, quantity, etc.
• Change desired shipping date from "Standard shipping" to "Express shipping"
• Click "Check Price", then "Confirm the quotation condition" to issue a part number for 4-days shipment
You are able to select “Express shipping” and issue the part number on meviy.
STEP 2: Order via MISUMI online shop
• Click "Add to Quote List", "Proceed to Quotation List"
• Click "Proceed to Order" to access online shop screen
• Check part number, quantity, price,shipping and if everything is correct, click "Place Order" to complete your order process
Good to know
• Depending on the time of the order placed, it may be shipped on the next business day
• The maximum quantity per order is 20 pieces. If the quantity is 21 or more, normal shipping will be applied and 4-days shipment cannot be guaranteed