3D CAD ready, 2D drawing ready, request for quotation sent. Only to realize: you need to adjust only a hole tolerance. Now the quotation process can start all over again. Does it sound familiar?
Using traditional procurement process, one must request a quote every time even a small detail, like the tolerance of a hole, changes. This implies many more hours of work to finalize the new 2D and 3D drawings, to request again the quotation and get the parts.
With meviy, none of this applies. After uploading solely your 3D design, you can edit the 3D CAD’s hole specifications directly on the screen, check the price and delivery date instantly, without any new drawings to be recreated on your side. You can also change the specification (e.g. tolerance) as many times as you want, always obtaining the price and delivery time in real time. All of this without the need to draw the 2D design.
This benefit of meviy is already a gamechanger for designers across the globe. To allow you to make the best out of this functionality, you can find below few tips and best practise.