BLOG » Machined plates design tips: How to Slash Production Costs
Machined plates design tips: How to Slash Production Costs
In our previous design guide, we have explored different ways forreducing costs for sheet metals. Cost cutting is, in fact, one of the key factors engineers and mechanical designers have to consider while developing their new components. Now we’d like to expand your knowledge of how to cut costs for your milling components. Below, we’ll present a few machined plates design tips that will save you up to 35% for your final component. The main aspect that will influence the final price is the diameter of the end mill and the setup time required to complete the part.
High-cost factors
1. Using small-diameter end mills:
Processing time is prolonged due to the smaller amount that can be cut at once.
2. Longer setup time involved::
Frequent reattachment of the workpiece to the processing machine and replacement of cutting tools are required.
Low-cost factors
1. Using large-diameter end mills:
Processing time is shorter due to the larger amount that can be cut at once.
2. Shorter setup time involved:
Fewer reattachments of the workpiece to the processing machine and fewer replacements of cutting tools are required.
Machined Plates Design Tips to Cut Cost: Increasing the Corner R
In this example, the corner R of the pocket is enlarged to reduce the sharpness of the corner. By doing so, it allows for the use of a larger diameter end mill during machining, resulting in faster processing times and lowering production costs. The specific numerical value of the increased R will depend on the requirements and specifications of the part being fabricated.
This is indeed an important factor in slashing production costs. As we can see from the milling part below, the final cost-per-unit is reduced by more than 47% by simply making the inner corners easily machinable with an end mill with larger diameter.
Reducing the Number of Machining Surfaces by Adding Corner R
By reducing the number of machining surfaces, setup time can be minimized, which allows for cost reduction.
There are different ways to decrease the number of surfaces where the end mill operates. For example, in the below part we have increased the corner R in order to achieve this.
Implementing smart design tips can significantly contribute to reducing the cost of custom machined plates. By carefully selecting an end mill with a larger diameter and strategically machining fewer surfaces, you can optimize the machining process, leading to a cut of the final cost up to more than 40%.
As manufacturers and engineers, we understand the importance of striking the perfect balance between quality and cost-effectiveness. By integrating these smart design tips into your projects, you can achieve optimal results without compromising the final product’s integrity.