Parts Available for Clear Resin

*The delivery date will be extended depending on the quantity. Please check the date displayed on the screen for the confirmed delivery date.

Clear resin panel parts, used for equipment covers, etc. are available.
Certain conditions regarding the shape elements, material and thickness of the part must be met in order to select clear resin. Check below for detailed specifications.

Available: Through Holes, Rectangular Holes and Freeform Holes

Not Available: Bending

Available: Cutouts, Countersunk Holes and Slotted Holes

Not Available: Tapped Holes

Materials / Plate Thicknesses Eligible for Clear Resin

  • Each material is available in two grades and two colors, so please choose the material that best suits your needs.
Clear ResinGradeColorLight Transmittance *1Operating Ambient Temperature *1Thickness *2
(Polyethylene terephthalate)
StandardClear87%-15 to 55℃3.0  5.0 8.0
Brown Smoke28%3.0 5.0
Brown Smoke30%
AcrylicStandardClear93%-40 to 65℃3.0 5.0 8.0 10.0
Brown Smoke28%3.0 5.0
Brown Smoke25%
PolycarbonateStandardClear89%-40 to 120℃3.0 5.0
Brown Smoke35%
Brown Smoke32%
(polyvinyl chloride)
StandardClear83%-10 to 60℃3.0 5.0
Brown Smoke27%
Brown Smoke30%
  • *1 This is an approximate value only and should not be considered a guaranteed value.
  • *2 The plate thickness tolerance is ±0.2 with a thickness of 3.0, and ±0.3 with a thickness of 5.0.

Clear Resin Materials

Material color may vary between orders based on availability.