Quotation Procedure

After logging in to meviy, follow the steps below to get quotes and place orders based on 3D data of machined plates.

Step 1: Automatic Hole Type Recognition Settings

If you are uploading a neutral format, configure the settings for the CAD software used for modeling. On the meviy platform, the hole type is identified by referencing the hole diameter in the 3D CAD data against the hole information database. Configuring the settings for the CAD software used for the modeling improves the accuracy of the hole type identification.

  1. (1)Point the mouse to the user name in the upper right corner of the screen. The “User Menu” will appear.
  2. (2)Choose “User Settings”.
  3. (3)Choose “Automatic Hole Type Recognition Settings”.
  4. (4)Select the hole type recognition method. → Details of each setting method
  5. (5)Set the CAD software used for modeling in the hole diameter condition of tap hole recognition.
  6. (6)Choose “Update”.

Step 2: Set the preferred processing method

You can set up to automatically select a processing method when 3D data is uploaded.
STEP2: Set the preferred processing method
  1. Open user settings, click “Processing Method Selection Settings”.
  2. Select the preferred processing method from the pull-down menu.


The automatically selected processing method can be changed later on the project list screen or the 3D Viewer screen.

Step 3: Upload the 3D CAD Data

  1. Upload the 3D CAD data. → Uploading 3D Data
  2. Press the [Machined plate] button. If “Do not allow automatic selection” is selected in the user settings, the selection must be made by the user.
  3. Select [Next]. The 3D Viewer screen will be displayed from where you can then view the quote amount as calculated using the default specifications.

Step 4: Configure/Change Quote Specifications

Configure and change the quote specifications as required. Prices and delivery times will be recalculated according to the changed specifications.


Useful keyboard shortcuts → Keyboard Operations

Step 5: Finalize Quotes (Obtaining Part Numbers) / Confirm

After you set the quotation conditions, confirm the quotation conditions, issue the part number and check the quote if there are no issues. → Finalizing Quotes (Obtain Part Number) / Checking

Step 6: Add to product list

STEP6: Add to product list
After issuing the part number, select the shipping date and click the [Add to Cart] button.

Step 7: Check product list, then order

  • Please select the parts you wish to order, click the “Proceed to order” button, and place your order on the MISUMI website.