Displaying the revision history for a part number

A revision history list for the part number can be displayed in the 3D Viewer for each project.
The list shows the price, surface treatment, ship date, etc. for each part number.

①Part Number Revision History Activation

When a part number is issued more than once for a project, the part number revision history will be activated.
When the link is clicked, the revision history dialog will appear.

②History of issued part numbers

A revision history list for the part number can be viewed.

The dialog displays the following items.

  • Part Number
  • Material
  • Surface treatment
  • Ship date
  • Unit price of quantity 1


The price displayed is the price at the time the part number was finalized.

③Copy part number

Allows you to copy the part number.
The part number can then be pasted into the meviy part number search page to search for available parts or used to place an order.