Ordering from meviy

Order parts with confirmed quotes.

Order from product list

To order the parts you have added to your cart, click the “Proceed to order” button. You will be taken to the order entry screen on the MISUMI site, where you can place your order.


  • You can click [Product List (PDF)] or [Parts List (CSV)] to download them.

Confirm Order

Click [Confirm Order].


  • Once an order is confirmed, it cannot be changed or canceled. Please check carefully before placing your order (meviy Terms of Service).
  • The shipping date is set as the earliest available shipping date by default. To change the shipping date, select the desired date from the drop-down menu. The earliest shipping date may vary depending on the part, particularly when ordering multiple parts.


If you wish to select a different shipping address from the one shown, click [Change Shipping Address].
All registered shipping information will be displayed, so select the desired shipping address.

Order Complete

Your order has been confirmed.

An order confirmation email will be sent to the email address you have registered.


You can download the order confirmation as a PDF. → “Exporting the Order Confirmation as a PDF