Viewing the Project List Screen

The project list screen opens when you log in to the meviy platform. This section describes what you can do on the project list screen.

List view
 Function nameDetails
ActionMove to 3D viewer.
MaterialThe currently selected material will be displayed.
Surface treatmentThe currently selected surface treatment will be displayed.
QuantityThe quantity of uploaded projects will be displayed.
TotalAfter confirming quotation, the total quoted price will be displayed.
Unit priceThe unit price of the inquired part will be displayed.
Shipping daysAfter confirming quotation, the shipping days will be displayed.
Creation DateDisplays the date and time the project or folder was created.
Customer order numberThe customer order number will be displayed.
CAD fileThe file name of the uploaded CAD data is displayed.
Parts nameParts name is displayed
Update timeThe time when the project’s inquiry conditions were changed is displayed.
FilterYou can select which functions to display.

Toolbar Area

You can search for data in the project list by project name, part name or part number.

List of Toolbar Functions
Function Name What You Can Do
Search Box You can search for data in the project list by project name, part name or part number.

Drop Area

You can upload 3D data for parts that you want to receive a quote for on the meviy platform using drag and drop. → Uploading 3D Data

Product list

  • Click ”Product list” on the top right-hand corner of the project list screen to open the product list screen.
  • After issuing the part number in the 3D Viewer, you can check and order the products added to the product list.


See below for the quotation process using the product list


Creating New Folders

Click [Create New Folder] to create a folder. Folders can be categorized and managed by project application and person in charge. 


It is not possible to create sub-folders.

Downloading Parts List

You can download a list of the parts from the projects contained in a folder in CSV format.

Click [Download Parts List] to begin downloading the Bill of Materials (CSV format).


Only those parts in the folder for which part numbers have been issued will be downloaded.


3D data that you upload to the meviy platform will be displayed as a “Project.” Information such as the project name, part preview, and progress and results of quotes will be displayed for the project.
  • The price and shipping days will not be displayed in the project immediately after uploading.
  • For projects where the quote has been completed, the part number and final quote amount will be displayed.
  • For projects containing multiple parts, the parts for which quotes have been completed are shown as “x/y part number issued.”
  • The icon will be displayed for purchased projects. Click to view your order history.


  • Click on a project to open the 3D viewer screen where you can then check the details of completed quotes, reconfigure the settings for quotes and manipulate 3D models.

Status Summary

The status of parts in a folder will be displayed.
Group Conditions
All Number of items for group “Auto quotation”, “Manual quotation”, “Unable to quote” and before selecting processing method. *Projects with no processing method selected are not included in the number of items.
Auto quotation Number of items for status “Setting quotation conditions” and “Order preparation completed”.
Manual quotation Number of items for status “Confirmation required”, “Processing manual quote”, and “Manual quote completed”.
Unable to quote Number of items for status “Out of service” and “Manual quote failed”

Download Parts Information

You can download a“Simple 2D drawing”, “Parts List” or “Product List” for a specific part.

Sort projects

  • You can sort projects using the sorting function.
  • Click on for the item you want to sort. You can sort in ascending or descending order.

Filter Project

You can use the filter function to narrow down your project.
  1. Click to filter.
  2. Select the criteria from the pull-down menu and apply.
Renewal Improvements (As of December 6)

Changes on Project List ➀

The list view is designed specifically for batch uploading, moving, sorting, and specifying processing methods for multiple projects.



Changes on Project List ➁

The folder list is now displayed in a tree style on the left side of the screen.


To check project list’s details→Viewing the Project List Screen
  • *The list in the tree will only show the folder names, not the file names.
  • *Folders can be created at a maximum of three levels.

Changes on 3D Viewer

  • ➀A new parts list has been added, which lists all the parts that exist in a project.
  • ➁”Basic Information”, “Details”, and “Additional Information” have been moved to the left side of the screen.
  • ➂The layout of the amount and shipping days display area has been changed. The desired shipping days can be selected in the pull-down field.
  • ➃The design of the price list by quantity has been changed.
  • ➄The position of the button to proceed to the quotation list has been changed.



  • *➁Tab switching has been eliminated and all items can be viewed by scrolling vertically.
  • *➂The pull-down box for the ship days will be displayed after you click the Check Price button.

Changes on Quotation List

You can now select the shipping days on the quote list page.


See below for details. →Order > Ordering from meviy